What is Weather?
Simply put, weather refers to the constantly-changing atmospheric conditions in the world around us. Occurring in the troposphere, this is mainly a summarization of current temperature/precipitation patterns, whereas the term climate deals with averaging these recorded conditions in a certain area over an elongated period of time. The causes for weather differentiations include air pressure, temperature and moisture. These vary from location to location due to the sun’s angle on a particular spot, or its latitude.
St. Louis weather
The weather in Saint Louis, missouri for the week is not the best weather. Everyday it will either be very cloudy with showers or a chance of thunderstorms. The humidity in Saint Louis will be from 50% to 80% this week. Their lowest temperature this week will be about 41℉ and the highest temperature will be about 72℉.
Weather in Louisa, Virginia
Today, March 28th in Louisa the weather is very gloomy. Early this morning, around 3 A.M. there were a few storms in the area. Since then there have been rain showers in the area that are predicted to go on until about 12 P.M. and then pick up where it left off around 3 P.M. with a few storms until 6P.M. and then rain into the night. Overall it’ll be a dark, rainy day.Weekly Weather
By: Jayde Tucker
The weeks weather chart didn't quite work on the blog format... lovely though it was...so, we'll try a new size next week. Have a lovely weekend, the rain should be gone, not to return until Monday night. O.R.G.
The weeks weather chart didn't quite work on the blog format... lovely though it was...so, we'll try a new size next week. Have a lovely weekend, the rain should be gone, not to return until Monday night. O.R.G.
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