Sunday, September 16, 2012

Last Week of Summer!

Clouds and cool kick off the last week of summer with a large batch of rain headed to the mid-Atlantic for early in the week. Cool and dry condition are ahead for the weeks end. After a cool, dry, lovely week, humidity has come up on this Sunday and dew points will continue to rise into Monday and even higher Tuesday as the big rain comes. A dip in the jet stream will move the rain out and it will feel like fall by mid-week. Fall, with the the sun back overhead at the equator, begins at 10:49am EDT on September 22. As the northern hemisphere continues to tilt away from the sun we keep losing 3+ minutes of daylight per day and that means less heat; the cool season is upon us and will be around for 6 more months. Get out and enjoy the light while it's here, today on Earth.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Cold Front Coming With Change

A strong cold front will bring storms and potential wild weather to the mid-Atlantic for Saturday but also a needed change. Cool, dry, Canadian air will dip well into the south late Saturday and make a pleasant second week of September. Lows in the 50's for the first time this season will make it possible to turn off the AC and open the windows. Temperatures will only be in the 70's for daytime highs.
The remains of Isaac sit in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico. Hurricane Leslie is stuck in the Atlantic near Bermuda, Michael is way offshore in the north Atlantic. Another potential new storm is just off the coast of Africa. We are at the peak of hurricane season, pay attention!
Tomorrow's worries here will be hail, wind and heavy rain.
And, then the relief of cool air!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Isaac Heads East!

The remains of former hurricane Isaac roll on eastward today and looks to bring a damp Labor Day to the mid-Atlantic. The storm has hooked up with a cold front and together they will help with drought issues that much of the country still suffers through. Sadly, for much of the mid-west, this will be too little, too late.  Parts of Virginia still have drought issues but the Old Dominion has faired better than much of the rest of the country. The coming rain will get much of Va. back to average rainfall totals for the year.
Once Isaac and the front clear the coast temperatures will be pretty typical for early September: lows in the 60's and highs in the 80's with humidity being on the low side for the muggy east.
The Gulf Coast, while hit hard by Isaac, is in much better shape than after Katrina but flood cleanup will be ongoing for sometime. The rain should also help get the Mississippi flowing again.
If you plan on being out today, be ready for MUGGY and later a little rain.