Sunday, March 18, 2012

Winter Is Done!

It's not officially spring but it feels like it has been here for quite awhile. And, when spring arrives at 1:14am Tuesday morning it will be just more of what we've been dealing with since the snow started melting March 5th. There is little hint of cold weather in the long term forecast.
Get out on the planet and enjoy today on earth.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Winter's Last Blast

Today and tomorrow morning will be the last wintery air for central Va. for quite some time. Boreal winds and falling air will keep things cool today - even with lots of sun - and tomorrow morning will see temperatures deep into the 20's but as the high pressure moves east, the southern air returns, making for a lovely evening to wander about and enjoy the first, late sunset of Daylight Savings Time.

Next week will continue the mild trend: temperatures will close in on 80 by week's end and the warm trend will continue at least until the start of Spring. The mild winter will leave mild.